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CFOs Headcount Planning Checklist

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A CFO who knows how to do headcount planning effectively can improve the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of their organization. A checklist can help.
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released on
Dec 17
CFOs Headcount Planning Checklist

No matter where you work or what industry you’re in, there’s a good chance you’re planning to spend more in 2025, according to a Forrester survey. At the same time, with uncertainty and constraints continuing, many CFOs are under pressure to show they’re using resources as efficiently as possible. 

We’re seeing many organizations use Firmbase’s platform to help this effort. One crucial way to do that is to be intentional and strategic about how you do headcount planning.

What is Headcount Planning?

Headcount planning is what its name suggests, the strategic and tactical planning around an organization’s human resources.

It shouldn’t be confused with workforce planning, which is focused on aligning human resources with long-term wide organizational goals and priorities. In effect, headcount planning is one of the important components of workforce planning. Getting it right is vital to be able to carry out workforce planning effectively as well. 

The idea is to determine how many employees, of which types and experience levels, you need in specific roles and departments in order to achieve the company’s objectives within a given timeframe – often the year ahead, though it can change according to needs and circumstances. Unless you have the right people in the right places, you won’t be able to use your resources in the best possible way to meet your goals.

Why Headcount Planning Matters

For many organizations, headcount is one of the largest budget items across the company. People are expensive – but also tremendously valuable. It’s up to the organization to make sure they’re being used to full effect. 

On a day-to-day basis, this comes down to collaborative efforts, good line management, training, making sure everyone has the tools they need, clear KPIs, and so on. On the more strategic level, however, it’s headcount planning, which requires looking at the company as a whole and analyzing both its current state and what it needs to get where it’s supposed to be going.

For this reason, headcount planning often involves the CFO in two ways. First, CFOs need to oversee the headcount planning for their own department, analyzing the current breakdown of resources, whether it’s a match for the department’s needs, and more strategically whether the arrangement needs adjusting to meet the company’s overall requirements. 

The second is part of the wider CFO role and responsibilities. Good headcount planning can make an enormous difference to an organization’s efficiency and ability to achieve its objectives. It’s also a key part of budget planning and processes.

How to Do Headcount Planning: Best Practices

Headcount planning is a little different for every organization. It should also evolve along with the company. So there’s no single perfect template for getting it right. On the other hand, there are some best practices that are relevant in almost every organization for how to do headcount planning. These include:

  • Make sure it’s data-driven. The value of a headcount planning process is that it enables you to optimize your use of your human resources. To do that, you need data from across the organization on not just employees but also productivity and KPIs. 
  • Integrate fully with your HR Information System (HRIS). You need up-to-date information on your current headcount, hiring processes and skill sets, which requires full integration with your company’s HRIS. Firmbase integrates seamlessly with the HRIS, to ensure your headcount planning can be fully informed. 
  • Plan for agility. If you’re looking at the whole year, make sure you take needed variation into account. For example, you might need more hands on deck for things like product launches or new stores or a holiday season – but only at certain times or from a certain time in the year. 
  • Consider all your options. Depending on your needs, consider full-time, part-time, consultant, freelance or outsourcing options.
  • Bring tech into the picture. Automation can make employees far more productive and effective, so explore what tools might help existing employees expand their scope rather than assuming you need to hire additional people.
  • Reassess what’s needed and how that has changed since last time. Headcount planning needs to fit the reality of the company in the year ahead, not where it was this time last year. That means analyzing what you’ve got with an open mind and considering what might need to change.
  • Have a checklist. Formalize and document your headcount planning process as you go along so that you can repeat what worked, improve what needs tweaking, and build on your experiences over time.

CFOs’ Headcount Planning Checklist

  • Make sure you know the company’s goals. Like all other strategic endeavors, headcount planning has to revolve around and serve the company’s core goals. Everyone involved in the process needs to be clear that this is the priority. Are you expanding into a new market? Scaling a particular product? Aiming to increase brand awareness or sales? This all impacts headcount.
  • Dive into the data. Before you do anything, you need a firm grounding in the facts. You need clarity on the current spread of your workforce, what they spend time on, KPIs for the year ahead and what was achieved last year, etc. Data silos are an enemy here, so make sure you’re drawing from a source that collates it all together. Avoid relying on manual processes as these are error-prone, which can disrupt the entire process.
  • Assess existing gaps. If there’s a team that’s much less productive than others, find out why. If there’s a new team that will be needed to support your goals in the second half of the year, plan for it now. Don’t get surprised later by things you can foresee now.
  • Look at the future. If you’re planning headcount for the year ahead, you need to know not only the business’ aims for the year, but also what the skills gaps might be that could interfere with them. That’s the first step in determining a plan to fix this, whether it’s taking into account time spent in educational programs, money for training or hiring new employees. 
  • Analyze AI options. A solution like Firmbase’s AI-powered software, lets you query forecast models, unravel key drivers, and create custom plans – all using natural language. So, if you’re not actively looking for ways to leverage the ease and speed AI can bring to your organization, you risk getting left behind. 
  • Collaborate. Ensure you’re engaging the relevant stakeholders from your own department for your departmental analysis. There will be a level of detail that is important within a team that won’t be available from the raw data, including new tools about to be adopted, upcoming maternity leave or other leave, culture successes or flags, and so on. As far as your involvement with the other departments in the company goes, ensure that you’re open-minded, inclusive and non-judgmental.
  • It’s not personal, it’s business. Headcount planning can feel very personal, because it’s all about people. But your north star for this process has to be first and foremost what is good for the business. 
  • Scenario planning. Consider different possible scenarios and how they might affect your headcount needs. Mapping that out beforehand will make it far easier and faster for you to act if you need to. That might sound onerous, but if you’re using a platform like Firmbase which is designed to make analysis like this easy, it doesn’t have to be.
  • Compliance considerations. Labor laws in different countries, compliance, employee rights and policies and so forth are all a vital part of this process. Make sure to involve legal as well as HR, and not just for sign-off; you want their advice early on.

For more information about how to do headcount planning, check out this in-depth headcount planning guide.

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